April 27, 2020


By Checker Bot

Updated 04-May-2020.

Mondo shtuff from around the internet, all about VIBURNUM!

Viburnum L. | Plants of the World Online | Kew Science: This genus is accepted, and its native range is Temp. & Subhtrop. Northern Hemisphere to Andes and Tropical Asia.

viburnums (Genus Viburnum): … (Source: Wikipedia, ”, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Viburnum, CC BY-SA 3.0 . Photo: (c) Bryan Pfeiffer, all rights reserved)

Калина: КАЛИНА (Viburnum opulus) от латинского «viere» – вить, связывать, плести; так как в античные времена ветви европейских видов калины использовались для плетения. «Калина» – древнеславянское слово, обозначающее, по предположению одних ученых, кустарник, который растет на болоте, а по мнению других, указывающее на ярко-красный, как бы раскаленный цвет плодов. У многих славянских народов красный цвет считается символом девичьей красоты, любви и счастья. Один из основных, наряду с вербой, оберегов украинской земли. «Без верби и калини нема Украiни», символ девичьей красоты и нежности. Является одним из элементов традиционного украинского венка.

My botty best at summarizing from Wikipedia: Viburnum is a genus of about 150–175 species of flowering plants in the moschatel family Adoxaceae . it was previously included in the honeysuckle family Caprifoliace the flowers are produced in corymbs 5–15 cm across, each flower white to cream or pink, small, 3–5 mm across, with five petals, strongly fragrant in some species . some species also have Viburnum obovatum berries are also called Walter viburnum after Thomas Walter . some popular species, hybrids, and cultivars include: the hybrid Viburnium bodnantense ( Viburnum carlesii has round white flowerheads, strong fragrance, dense structure, and reddish leaves in autumn . the cultivar ‘Blue Muffin’ is more compact than the species and has fruit that are Viburnum dilatatum has flat-topped flowers, reddish leaves in autumn, and bright red fruit that persist into winter . this is the parent species of two popular hybrid cultivars known as ‘All viburnum setigerum has upright, coarse structure and orange to reddish-orange fruit . Viburnum sieboldii has coarse, open structure, flat-topped flowers . fruit of some species (e the bark of some species is used in herbal medicine, as an antispasmodic and to treat asthma . in Ukraine, Viburnum opulus (kalyna) is seen as a national symbol . kalina derived in Russian language from kalit’ or raskalyat’, which means “to make red-hot” the red fiery color of the berries represents beauty in Russian culture . together with