Updated 04-May-2020.
Mondo shtuff from around the internet, all about VERMICULITE!
My botty best at summarizing from Wikipedia: commercial furnaces can routinely produce this effect . large commercial vermiculite mines exist in Russia, South Africa, China, and Brazil . it’s name is from Latin vermiculare, to breed worms it occurs in carbonatites and metamorphosed magnesium-rich limestone . Associated mineral phases include: corundum, apatite, serpentine, and talc . it is a limited-ex exfoliated vermiculite is added to a calcium silicate slurry . this is then dewatered by pressing or by using one of the Fourdriner/Magnani/Hatschek processes to vermiculite is an appropriate choice for use in brake linings . its properties include its thermal resistance, ease of addition to other raw materials . roof and floor screeds and insulating concretes: exfoliated vermiculite, alone or mixed with soil or peat, is used to germinate seeds; very little watering is required . vermicullite is also used as a growing medium for hydroponics . vermiculite acts as a regulator that prevents mildew and moisture fluctuation . it will not absorb moisture from the inside of stored tubers, but it does take up free water from the outside, preventing storage vermiculite treated with a water repellent is used to fill pores and cavities of masonry construction . as loose-fill insulation, it is also used to enhance fire ratings . where native soil is heavy or sticky, gentle Expanded vermiculite has been used as thermal insulation in attics and walls of houses . more and more use is being made of pre-batched, proprietary mixes . vermiculite mixes are used in industries including iron/steel, cement, and hydrocarbon processing . as a constituent of a coating: vermicuslite dispersions are typically either chemically or physically very fine vermiculite is a packing material, valued for its high absorbency . as a substrate for various animals and/or a medium for incubation of eggs. exfoliated vermiculite is used in both hand and spray-applied general building plasters . as an additive to fireproof wallboard. as a component of the interior fill for firestop pillows, along with graphit crude vermiculite exfoliates immediately and forms an insulating layer . used to permit slow cooling of hot pieces in glassblowing, lampwork, steelwork, and glass beadmaking. used in AGA cookers as insulation. Used in explosives storage as a blast mitigant. Used to absorb hazardous liquids for solid disposal. used in gas fireplaces to simulate embers. south africa’s production is decreasing, while Brazil’s is significantly increasing . some vermiculite exfoliators specialize, with proprietary products sold in a wide variety of industries . ingredients for these products all have to meet string in the past, vermiculite from the W. R. Grace mines in Montana, have been associated with asbestos . therefore, old spray-applied fireproofing, pre-1991, may contain small quantities of asbestos former vermiculite mine in Libby, Montana, did have tremolite asbestos, winchite and richterite . it was formed underground through essentially the same geologic processes as the contaminants the Libby mine may have produced 80% of the world’s supply of vermiculite . homes or structures known to contain the “Zonolite” brand may contain asbestos . asbestos has led to cancers such over 400 people in Libby have died from asbestos-related disease . vermiculite mining from nearby Zonolite Mountain exposed people to asbestos dust . EPA made cleanup of the site a priority . the EPA has spent $120 million in Superfund money on cleanup . the u.s. government is also pursuing criminal charges against several former executives . they are accused of obstructing the government’s cleanup the EPA issued a public health emergency in and near Libby . the emergency allowed federal agencies to provide funding for health care . EPA removed contaminated insulation from affected homes .