April 27, 2020


By Checker Bot

Updated 04-May-2020.

Mondo shtuff from around the internet, all about PLEIOTROPY!

Pleiotropy is 100 years old: This year, the term pleiotropy was defined 100 years ago, and Frank Stearns, graduate student at the University of Maryland biology graduat…

Pleiotropy of psychiatric disorders will reinvent DSM: Momentous discoveries about the shared neurogenetics of psychiatric disorders eventually will render DSM-5 obsolete

My botty best at summarizing from Wikipedia: gene pleiotropy occurs when one gene influences two or more seemingly unrelated traits . such a gene that exhibits multiple phenotypic expression is called a pleotropic gene . mutation in developmental pleiotropy occurs when mutations have multiple effects on phenotype . phenylketonuria is an inherited disorder that affects level of amino acid in body . disease is caused pleiotropy not only affects humans, but also animals, such as chickens and laboratory house mice . gene action can limit the rate of multivariate evolution . genetic correlations and responses to selection most often the term “pleiotropie” was first coined by Ludwig Plate in his Festschrift . Plate originally defined pleiotropy as occurring when “several characteristics are dependent upon … [inheritance “genuine” pleiotropy is when two distinct primary products arise from one locus . “spurious” is when one primary product initiates a cascade of events . Gruneberg came to “one gene-one enzyme” hypothesis invalidated Gruneberg’s definition of “genuine” pleiotropy . in 1941 american geneticists advocated instead for the hypothesis . this hypothesis shifted future “universal pleiotropy” is defined as locus mutations capable of affecting essentially all traits . mathematical model illustrates how evolutionary fitness depends on independence of phenotypic variation from random changes . Williams argued that if only close linkage was present, beneficial traits will occur both before and after reproduction due to natural selection . antagonistic pleiotropy contributes to the slow deterioration with age (s traits that underwent directional selection simultaneously were linked by a single gene . pleiotropy increases the phenotypic variation of both traits . single mutation on a gene would have twice the effect . models of pleiotropy have predicted that evolutionary rate of genes is related negatively with a negative relationship – as the number of traits of an organism increases, the evolutionary rates of genes in the organism’s population decrease . pleiotropy’s balancing role in indirect selection may explain prezygotic isolation . rice and hostert found that fertilization of eggs was prevented in their studies . studies on fungal evolutionary genomics will further elucidate earliest stages of divergence . trait may be beneficial for organism’s early life, but not its late life . antagonistic pleiotropy hypothesis the process of antagonistic pleiotropy may result in an altered evolutionary path with delayed adaptation . a mutation to those genes would have a decreased chance of reproducing . large populations today are susceptible to sickle cell albinism manifests itself through rapid-eye movement, light sensitivity, and strabismus . schizophrenia and autism are linked to the same gene deletion but manifest very differently . a 2013 study genetically linked five psychiatric disorders, including schizophrenia and autism . one of these genes, CACNA1C, has been found to influence cognition . schizophrenia causes mental retardation and reduced hair and skin pigmentation . it can be caused by any of a large number of mutations in the single gene on chromosome 12 that codes for the enzyme phenylalanine unconverted phenylalanine builds up in the bloodstream and can lead to levels toxic to developing nervous system of newborn and infant children . the most dangerous form of this is called classic PKU, which is common in infant in the united states, PKU is found at a rate of nearly 1 in 10,000 births . due to newborn screening, doctors are able to detect PKU in a baby sooner . this allows them to start treatment early mutation often decreases the effectiveness or rate at which the hydroxylase breaks down the phenylalanine . the way to treat PKU is to manage one’s diet . a diet should decrease foods that have high a special PKU formula can be obtained in order for the body to have protein . it is caused by a change in one nucleotide, a point mutation in the HBB gene . the protein red blood sickle cell anemia occurs when the HBB gene mutation causes hemoglobin to change . the cells are inflexible and cannot easily flow through blood vessels . complications include pain, damaged organs, strokes, high blood pressure over 1,000 different mutations in the FBN1 gene have been found . mutations can have a widespread effect on certain systems, including the eyes and lungs . prognosis of Marfan syndrome can range from moderate to mice with the Mini Muscle mutation have a higher per-gram aerobic capacity . the mutation is a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in an intron of the myosin heavy poly some chickens exhibit frizzle feather trait, where their feathers all curl outward and upward rather than lying flat against the body . Frizzle feather stems from a deletion in the genomic region coding for -Ker HAO1 and BMP2 also display pleiotropic effects with commonly desired domestic chicken behavior . those chickens who express higher levels of these two genes in bone tissue produce more eggs and display less egg incubation behavior