Mondo shtuff from around the internet, all about NATALIA REYES!
Natalia Reyes – IMDb: Natalia Reyes, Actor: Terminator: Dark Fate. Natalia Reyes is a Colombian Method actress known for her stunning starring role in Sony’s hit series “Lady, La Vendedora de Rosas” for LatinAmerica (2015 most seen series in Colombia and Netflix Latam), also for her work on Cumbia Ninja (2013), Just Moved In (2012), A Mano Limpia (2010), El elefante rojo (2009) and Isa TKM (2008). She was born in …
Natalia Reyes se casó en Cartagena: Natalia Reyes, quien dio a Lady Tabares en su novela biográfica, contrajo matrimonio en una bella ceremonia celebrada junto al mar.
My botty best at summarizing from Wikipedia: Natalia Reyes Gaitán (born February 6, 1987) is a Colombian actress . she played the role of Dani Ramos in Terminator: Dark Fate along with Arnold Schwarzenegger and Linda Hamilton