Updated 04-May-2020.
Mondo shtuff from around the internet, all about MORTADELLA!
My botty best at summarizing from Wikipedia: mortadella is a large sausage or luncheon meat made of finely hashed or ground pork . it is traditionally flavoured with black pepper grains, but modern versions can also contain pistachios Mortadella originated in Bologna, the capital of Emilia-Romagna . Anna Del Conte (The Gastronomy of Italy 2001) found a sausage mentioned in a document of the official mortadella di Prato, produced in Tuscany, is also defined by an IGP . it is flavoured with pounded garlic and coloured with alchermes . in eastern Spain, the standard morta mortadella is also very popular in Argentina, Bolivia, Peru, Brazil, Ecuador, Chile, Colombia, Uruguay and Venezuela . in these countries it is spelled mortadela, and its recipe is quite similar to the traditional it is smaller in diameter than the traditional mortadella de Bologna because the smoking process causes some shrinkage . best served at room temperature to bring out its rich flavour . it is a type of artisan bolog the classic italian mortadella is widely sold in supermarkets along the entire Adriatic coast . the Palestinian Siniora brand, established in Jerusalem in 1920, is the first in the region . parizier is also often the most popular brands in the GCC are Americana Group and Halwani Brothers . pork mortadella is sold in Palestine, Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, and the UAE . meat was banned from import into the united states from 1967 to 2000 . ban was pivotal part of plot of 1971 film La mortadella starring Sophia Loren . meat is normally made from a beef and pork mixture Traditionally contains eggs and milk, which are usually absent in traditional mortadella . traditionally contains eggs, milk and milk .