Updated 05-May-2020.
Mondo shtuff from around the internet, all about DAEDALUS!
Daedalus | Myth & Summary: Daedalus, mythical Greek inventor, architect, and sculptor, who was said to have built the paradigmatic Labyrinth for King Minos of Crete.
My botty best at summarizing from Wikipedia: in mythology, Daedalus was a skillful architect, craftsman and artist . he is the father of Icarus, the uncle of Perdix, and possibly also of Iapyx Daedalus had two sons: Icarus and Iapyx, along with a nephew either Talos or Perdix . he was the grandson of the ancient king Erechtheus daedalus’ appearance in Homer is in an extended metaphor, “plainly not Homer’s invention” in bronze age Crete, an inscription da-da-re-jo-de has been read as daedalus built the labyrinth for King Minos, who needed it to imprison his wife’s son the Minotaur . the story is told that Poseidon had given a white Daedalus tied feathers together so as to form an increasing surface . he secured the feathers at their midpoints with string and at their bases with wax . when the work was done, the artist waving Daedalus taught his son how to fly . he then equipped his son in the same manner, and taught him how to fly . an early image of winged Daedalus appears on an Etruscan jug of ca 630 BC found at Cerveteri . a winged figure captioned Taitale appears on one side of the daedalus flies to Cumae and finds his temple there, rather than in Sicily . he travels from city to city asking a riddle . King Cocalus tied string to an in some versions, daedalus himself poured boiling water on Minos and killed him . in the founding tales of the Greek colony of Gela, a tradition was preserved . the anecd daedalus was so envious of his nephew’s accomplishments that he took an opportunity . he caused him to fall from the Acropolis . athena turned Perdix into a partridge and daedalus left Athens due to this . in pliny’s natural history (7.198) he is credited with inventing car daedalus gave his name to any Greek artificer and to many Greek contraptions that represented dextrous skill . at Plataea there was a festival, the Daedala, in Meno, Socrates and Meno are debating the nature of knowledge and true belief . Soctes refers to Daedalus’ statues: “… if they are not fastened up they Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology, London (1873). “Daedalus” Warburg Institute Iconographic Database.