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Updated 05-May-2020.

Mondo shtuff from around the internet, all about CRUCIFIX!

Peru court upholds presence of crucifix in public places: The Constitutional Court of Peru ruled that the Bible and the crucifix do not violate the secular nature of the the country.

Prison chapel not to have a crucifix: A new prison chapel has been stopped from having a crucifix in case it offends Muslims.

School ban on girl wearing cross ‘discriminatory’: A mother accused her daughter’s school of discriminating against Christians after the teenager was suspended for refusing to take off a crucifix necklace.

My botty best at summarizing from Wikipedia: the crucifix is a principal symbol for many groups of Christians . it is used in the Latin Rite of the Roman Catholic Church . the symbol is less common in churches of other Protestant denominations . most crucifixes portray Jesus on a Latin cross, rather than any other shape . in eastern Orthodoxy Jesus’ body is usually painted on the cross, or in low relief . a painting of the Crucifix modern Roman Catholic churches often have a crucifix above the altar on the wall . the corpus of Eastern crucifixedes is normally a two-dimensional or low relief icon . a cross with a figure icons painted on wood shaped to include the double-barred cross and perhaps the edge of Christ’s hips and halo . more sculptural small crucifixes in metal relief are also used in Orthod the “S”-shaped position of Jesus’ body on the cross is a Byzantine innovation of the late 10th century . the crown of thorns is also generally absent in Eastern crucifixes . since the Renaissance the “S”-shape is generally much less pronounced . Eastern Christian blessing crosses will often have the Crucifixion depicted on one side . another depiction shows a triumphant Christ on some crucifixes a skull and crossbones are shown below the corpus, referring to golgotha (calvary) the site at which Jesus was crucified means in Hebrew “the place of richer Catholics could afford a room set aside for a chapel . Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox and Anglican use crucifix in public religious services . altar crosses and processional crosses began to the requirement of the altar cross was also mentioned in pre-1970 editions of the Roman Missal . the eastern Christian liturgical processions called crucessions include a cross or crucifix at their head . in the a large crucifix is taken in procession to the centre of the church, where it is venerated by the faithful . sometimes the soma (corpus) is removable and is taken off during the Gospel lesson describing modern iconoclasts have used an inverted (upside-down) crucifix when showing disdain . according to Christian tradition, Saint Peter was martyred by being crucified upside-down . in the united states, Lutheranism came under the influence of Calvinism . the early Reformed Churches rejected the use of the crucifix as idolatrous . in england, the royal chapels in 2008, a local judge ordered crucifixes removed from public schools . the case settled a decades-old dispute over whether they should be displayed in a non-confessional state . on 18 march 2011,

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