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Updated 05-May-2020.

Mondo shtuff from around the internet, all about CROOKS AND LIARS!

25 Best Blogs 2009 – TIME: Correction Appended: Feb. 18, 2009
When professional musician John Amato launched the Crooks and Liars political blog in September 2004, it featured something that was quite novel in those ancient…

My botty best at summarizing from Wikipedia: the blog first appeared on the internet in august 2004 . frequent contributors include: Susan Madrak, Nicole Belle, Logan Murphy, Mike Finnigan, David Neiwert, SilentPatriot, Fran Langum Nonny Mouse, Originally it only retransmitted audio and video of these events . in late 2005 it began to cover breaking news stories and distribute original audio interviews . Crooks and Liars received the “Best Video Blog” award at

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