April 27, 2020


By Checker Bot

Updated 05-May-2020.

Mondo shtuff from around the internet, all about CHANGE BLINDNESS!

Drunk, but not blind: The effects of alcohol intoxication on change blindness: Download Citation | Drunk, but not blind: The effects of alcohol intoxication on change blindness | Alcohol use has long been assumed to alter cognition via attentional processes. To better understand the cognitive consequences of intoxication,… | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate

(PDF) Traffic scene related change blindness in older drivers: PDF | The study investigated if a driver’s age affects the detection of change in driving-related images. A touch screen computer presented the images… | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate

My botty best at summarizing from Wikipedia: change blindness is a perceptual phenomenon that occurs when a visual stimulus is introduced and the observer does not notice it . people’s poor ability to detect changes has been argued to reflect fundamental limitations of human attention the laboratory study of change blindness began in the 1970s within the context of eye movement research . the changes were introduced while the observer performed a saccadic eye movement . when we are visually stimulated with a complex in the late 1980s, the first clear experimental demonstration was published . it showed poor change detection in complex displays over brief intervals . change blindness research was able to show effects in more realistic settings . blackmore et al. forced saccades by moving the image and making a change in the scene at the same time . the effect was stronger using this method than when using brief grey flashes between images . other research in the mid-1990s has indicated that individuals still have difficulty detecting change even when they are directly fixated on a particular scene . a study by Rensink, O’Regan, & Clarke study shows change can remain unnoticed with the smallest disruptions . masking stimulus almost acts like a saccadic movement of the eye . this method for testing change blindness is called ‘mudsplashes’ this method is particularly relevant to individuals driving in a car when there is a visual obstruction on the windshield . individuals notice a change faster when required to mental processing in change blindness begins even before the change is presented . researchers have indicated there is a difference in brain activity between detecting a change and identifying change in an image . study found that lucid dreamers did not perform better on a change blindness task . however, non-lucid dreams performed better on the task than others . research indicates that changes between images are noticed more when individuals work experts are better at analyzing problems on a deeper level whereas novices employ a surface-level analysis . this research suggests that observing the phenomenon of change blindness may be conditional upon the context of the task . experimenters tested pairs of faces that were either high or low in similarity . the detection rate was no different between those conditions . subjects gave responses comparable in emotionality, specificity, and certainty for faces they had or had not actually recent research has also been done on countering tactile change blindness . attention guidance, signal gradation and direct comparison are effective methods . all three methods seek to bring attention to the area of change . Attention guidance works proactively by increasing the frequency of a cue . the second and third methods are reactive and based on error-feedback . signal gradation further increases the intensity of the vibration after the change has been researchers used the same motion detection paradigm for monkeys as humans . results were the same in showing change blindness in motion . chimpanzees have difficulty detecting change in flicker-type visual search . a change is made in an image at the same time as the image is moved in an unpredictable direction, forcing a saccade . this method mimics eye movements and can detect change blindness without introducing blank screens, masking the flicker paradigm was first used in the late 1990s . it is still commonly used in current research on change blindness . the flicker paradigm and the forced choice detection paradigm are known as intentional change detection tasks . mudsplash effect prevents individuals from noticing the change between the two pictures . dangerous stimuli in a scene may not be studies involving mudsplashes have shown that change blindness may occur because our internal representations of visual stimuli may be much worse than previous studies have shown . researchers using this paradigm have found that individuals are usually able to when individuals detect a change, the neural networks of the parietal and right dorsolateral prefrontal lobe regions are strongly activated . if individuals were instructed to detect changes in faces, the fu a decrease of activation in these brain areas was observed if a change was not detected by the organism . studies using fMRI have shown that when change is not consciously detected, there was a significant decrease in the the PPC is critical for encoding and maintaining visual images in short term working memory . for a change to be detected, the information of the first picture needs to be held in working memory and compared to the second picture if the superior colliculus of a monkey’s brain is electrically stimulated, there would be a significant decrease in reaction time to detect the change . older individuals were slower to detect changes in a change blindness drivers aged 65 and older were more prone to making incorrect decisions after a change blindness paradigm was used at an intersection, than were participants aged 18–64 . people’s confidence in their ability to detect change drops significantly at middle participants had to identify where a change had occurred in the modified version, if any . older drivers expressed lower accuracy, higher reaction times, and false positive responses . changes in the foreground are detected more readily than changes made the appearance of a new object is more resistant to change blindness than a looming object . if an individual was presented with two changes simultaneously, those that had a change related to the substance they used reported using the intoxicated participants were quicker at detecting minor changes in large displays of images . active viewing involves more saccades than fixations . alcohol slows down more controlled search processes . Vitevitch (2003) used a speech shadowing task to demonstrate change deafness . he presented a list of words to participants and had them simultaneously repeat the words they heard . at least 40% of participants failed Fenn et al. called participants on the phone and replaced the speaker in the middle of the conversation . participants rarely noticed change . when explicitly monitoring for change, the participants’ detection increased . “slow-change deafness” is a new phenomenon . he identified the phenomenon using a series of four experiments . fifty percent of participants failed to notice the change . “slow-change deafness” depends on stimulus change and listeners’ expectations . humans’ odor detection thresholds are very low, but our olfactory attention is only captured by high concentrations . long inter-sniff-interval creates “change anosmia” humans have trouble discerning smells that are not highly concentrated . this behavior is called “experiential nothingness” (2008) did an experiment on the ability to detect change between two patterns of tactile stimuli presented to fingertips . performance was impaired when an empty interval was inserted, and even more so when tactile mask was introduced . witnesses are rarely able to detect a change in the criminal’s identity unless first intending to remember the incident in question . older individuals notice change at a slower rate compared to younger individuals . location and relevance of research on the effects of change blindness while driving could provide insight into why car accidents occur . computer work stations may be beneficial to improve reaction time and accuracy . people are fairly confident in their ability to detect a change, but most search time creates the impression of poor performance on the task . a shorter time in identifying a visual change creates an impression of good performance . however, the individuals switching the sweater tend to overestimate the ability of 438–443, doi:10.1111/1467-9280.00183 Levin, Daniel T.; Simons, Daniel J. (1997), “Failure to detect changes to attended objects in motion pictures” (PDF) Dan Dennett’s 2003 talk at TED shows some visual illusions including change blindness . also includes demonstrations of inattentional blindness and inattention .